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Jinan prepares chrysanthemum exhibition

The layout work for the 41th Baotu Spring Park Chrysanthemum Exhibition is currently underway in Jinan, Shandong province.

The layout work for the 41th Baotu Spring Park Chrysanthemum Exhibition is currently underway in Jinan, with the "Belt and Road" and "5G era" exhibition areas standing out from the rest. [Photo/VCG]

Workers prepare for the 41th Baotu Spring Park Chrysanthemum Exhibition. [Photo/VCG]

The exhibition will display an array of chrysanthemum arrangements. [Photo/VCG]

The 41th Baotu Spring Park Chrysanthemum Exhibition will open on Oct 25. [Photo/VCG]

A chrysanthemum arrangement is seen at Baotu Spring Park. [Photo/VCG]

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