​Fupai ejiao

Fupai ejiao [Photo by Shao Kai/WeChat account: jnslyj]

Ejiao, or donkey-hide gelatin, is obtained by soaking and stewing the skin of a donkey. It is used as an ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and is honored as one of the three treasures in TCM along with ginseng and pilose antler.

An established brand of the Fujiao Group is fupai ejiao. The manufacturing of Fupai ejiao preserves and condenses the essence of the ejiao-making methods that have been practiced for more than 2,500 years in Jinan city's Dong'a town, which is known as the birthplace of ejiao in China. The nation's inventory of intangible cultural assets also includes its traditional methods for manufacturing gelatin.

A complex process of material selection and production includes donkey skin processing, boiling donkey skin soup, gathering concentrated gelatin, cutting, drying, printing, and packaging. In Chinese medicine, it has a significant historical and cultural value and calls for precise techniques.

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