>In Focus>Dynamic decade: Jinan forges ahead with development>Economic growth

Jinan foreign trade sees solid expansion in past decade

english.jinan.gov.cn | Updated: 2022-09-30

Jinan, capital of East China's Shandong province [Photo/VCG]

The total imports and exports of goods in Jinan maintained an average annual growth rate of 11.5 percent over the past decade, Liu Qiang, Party secretary of Jinan said at a news conference on Sept 27.

According to Liu, over the past 10 years, the city's actual utilization of foreign capital has grown by an average annual rate of 7.1 percent, and 81 Fortune Global 500 enterprises have settled in Jinan, the provincial capital city of Shandong.

In addition to the sustained rise in trade volume, the city has also seen improvements in the foreign trade structure, with new drivers successively emerging. In 2021, the export volume of mechanical and electrical products was $10.26 billion, 2.6 times more than that in 2012.

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